Classes | Cheltenham & Gloucester Gymnastics Club
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Our Parent & Child classes are a great way to introduce young children to gymnastics. We provide a safe and fun environment that will help improve motor skills, spatial awareness, confidence and much more.

Classes take place with plenty of matting to ensure safety and a variety of soft play equipment is available for your child to explore.

Working with a coach in small groups, these classes are available for children from walking age to 3 years old.

Class Price £29.50/month

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Pre-school classes are a great way of focussing a toddler's seemingly endless supply of energy. Whether it be bouncing, spinning or rolling, children of this age are already natural-born gymnasts!

Classes take place in a safe, supervised environment with an adventure playground to explore and lots of exciting activities to get involved in.

Working with a coach in small groups, these classes are available for children once they turn 3.

Class Price £32.00/month


Recreational classes are non-competitive and suitable for all children. They are the starting point for any gymnast and are open to all ages and abilities. Typical classes will involve strength, flexibility and stamina training on the Bar, Beam, Floor & Vault as well as exercises on the Trampette and Tumbling Track.

Recreational gymnasts also have the chance to participate in club showcases throughout the year and try out for one of our competitive squads. 

Infants: Reception - Year 2

Juniors: Year 3 - Year 5

Seniors: Year 6+

Class Price £34.50/month



Coming soon!

Tumbling is a characterised by the complex, swift and rhythmical succession of acrobatic bounding from hands to feet, feet to hands or even feet directly back onto feet. A tumbling pass may be over in a matter of seconds and is performed on a tumbling track that is 25 meters in length.

In tumbling, a gymnast performs a tumbling pass which sees the gymnast gain speed and power by running along a track and performing a series of somersaults and twists.

Our Tumbling classes are suitable for children over the age of 8. We offer recreational classes with the aim of launching our competitive squads in the near future.



This is an invitation only class. 

Children will be selected to join these classes by the Head Coach based on their ability and attitude.

Gymnasts who are placed in one of our squads learn advanced skills and compete in various competitions throughout the year. Their age and ability determines what level of competition they enter from regional to national levels.

If you would like to know more about trialing for a squad, please click the enquiry link below.


Coming soon!

Aerobic Gymnastics is fun, fast and energetic! Routines are set to music and involve strength, flexibility and dance skills. No apparatus is needed and routines are performed individually or in groups. 


Because of its fast pace, Aerobic Gymnastics is a great way to improve

your fitness.

Our Aerobic classes are suitable for children over the age of 8. We offer recreational classes with the aim of launching our competitive squads in the near future.

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Cheltenham & Gloucester Gymnastics Club
Unit 5
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